On Saturday, 11th of March 2017, another monthly meeting of the college student scholarship holders was held at the Hastor Foundation. Sarajevo, Goražde, Novi Travnik, Livno, Foča, Jajce…all of them gathered and beating as one thanks to the Hastor Foundation. As it is always the case, our scholarship holders have had plenty of fun and got to know each other better, as well.


This meeting’s atmosphere was rather more relaxing than usual. Upon their arrival, the scholarship holders were divided into groups in such a way that they did not sit with people they already knew. The task of each scholarship holder was to interview a person next to them, write everything down on a piece of paper and then put it in a box. The paper was filled with details about the person’s education, their major characteristics, interesting and unusual facts about them and personal anecdotes. Once all the interviews were carried out and put in the box, the papers were picked at random and then read out loud. The scholarship holders were supposed to correctly guess who the mystery person was. We found out who is afraid of balloons, which person loves maslenica with chicken filling, who went on a first date in a park, who fell through cracked ice and ended up in a creek, who listens to metal music and who is the girl that loves playing table football.

The next game showed the importance of team work and through relying on each other, the scholarship holders grew as people and expanded their knowledge. The game was a general knowledge quiz, but it also tested their knowledge the Foundation. Each group had a differently colored piece of paper that they raised when they wanted to answer a certain question. This game showed how well the scholarship holders worked as a team and how comprehensive their knowledge was.

These activities not only made the scholarship holders laugh so hard that they cried, but because of them they also strengthened their existing bonds and struck up new friendships. The Hastor Foundation once again confirmed its extraordinary ability to bring together people who share similar ideas, occupations and who have similar stories, but are, at the same time, completely different and thus drawn together, never to be bored by each other’s company.

Sadžida Kosovac