Today, in the premises of the ASA Prevent Grupation, students, scholarship holders of the Hastor Foundation, signed their scholarship contracts.


After a successful completion of contract signing for students of primary and secondary schools, 232 students from all universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina gained the right to sign their contracts and to obtain the status of the Hastor Foundation scholarship holder for the academic year 2016/17. With this act, 232 students have formally and legally become scholarship holders of the largest foundation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and thus accepted the privileges and obligations that this status brings to them.

On this occasion, teacher Ramo addressed the students and wished them every success in the new academic year, while the members of the administrative team of the Hastor Foundation familiarized the students with the rules of the Foundation and the manner of its operation. Today, the large meeting room of the ASA Group exuded uniqueness. Two hundred and thirty two young, ambitious and highly motivated people precisely at this point made a big step towards the realization of their dreams!  Ideals for education, philanthropy spirit and a big dose of optimism prevailed in this meeting.

We wish best of luck and good results to all our students in their journey towards success!

Dzulisa Otuzbir