On Saturday, May 25th, 2024, a thematic lecture was held for scholarship recipients of the Hastor Foundation, students of law, economics, engineering and related faculties. The lecture, which was about ESG, was led by guest lecturer from Deloitte, Merima Hrapović. During the lecture, the guest highlighted the key aspects of ESG and its importance for the future of business.

ESG fi rstly includes thematic frameworks crucial for environmental protection, such as climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, resource use, waste management and conservation of natural habitats, then, secondly, social factors that include the company’s relations with its employees, suppliers, customers and communities in which it operates and, ultimately, management factors that contribute to the creation of good management practices, thus contributing to the prevention of corruption and ensuring responsible decision-making. A lecture on this topic provided students with valuable insights into non-fi nancial reporting and sustainable development. Students had the opportunity to learn how ESG reporting can infl uence business strategies and how they can apply these concepts in their future careers.

Our scholarship recipient Kanita Obhođaš, a second-year student at the Faculty of Law of the University of Sarajevo, shared with us her experiences from this lecture:

The monthly meetings, now traditional, are certainly what all scholarship students look forward to the most. This time we listened to a topic we had all heard about, but knew very little about, and the lecture was extremely useful. ESG is a topic that has been spreading through various segments of the education system for the past year, but the information we received at the workshop was more practical. I especially liked the interactivity and exchange of opinions during the lecture itself. I think that the whole lecture was very well structured. The beginning was based on providing basic information, then we analyzed practical examples and ended with a Q&A session. The experience that guest Merima Hrapović shared with us will certainly bring us great benefits in future employment.

This lecture was particularly useful because most companies will turn to this way of working in the future, which will increase the demand for experts who understand ESG principles. Therefore, the knowledge gained in this lecture can provide students with a competitive advantage in the labor market and prepare them for a successful career in the modern business environment.