Good deeds enrich us, and we become the fruits of our actions, as Miguel de Cervantes once wrote. Within the Hastor Foundation, the philanthropic spirit is a dimension that permeates through volunteer engagement. This way, the foundations of enthusiasm and solidarity among scholarship recipients are laid, guided by the vision of social responsibility and positive change. Their active contribution, in line with the goals of the Hastor Foundation, plays a signifi cant role in improving the community. In the Scholarship recipient of the Month section, we highlight individuals who contribute to positive changes in our community through their activism, refl ecting the values of the Foundation. Through her dedicated work, Mahira Amidžić has deservedly earned the title of Scholarship recipient of the Month.

Mahira Amidžić is originally from Kakanj and has been a scholarship recipient of the Hastor Foundation for eight years. Her interests include natural sciences, foreign languages, and literature. After fi nishing high school, Mahira continued her academic journey by enrolling in the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Sarajevo. She is currently in her third year of study, with goals focused on research projects and the pursuit of knowledge.

Within the Hastor Foundation, Mahira first volunteered as a mentor and then continued her volunteer engagement in the administrative team, where she stands out daily with her diligence and dedication, earning her the valuable title of Scholarship recipient of the Month:

When it comes to my volunteer work, I truly enjoy actively contributing to the community. Besides volunteering with the Hastor Foundation, I also volunteer at the orphanage in Bjelave, and I am an active member of the Red Cross. Thanks to the Hastor Foundation, I have gone through all stages of volunteering – from a student to a mentor. Volunteering with students allowed me to develop communication skills, understand the feelings of others, and share knowledge mutually. Preparing for volunteer meetings, besides helping children learn, I was also teaching myself. Additionally, by volunteering with students in the local community, I had the opportunity to meet many new people, but most importantly, I gained the feeling that my engagement is valuable and signifi cantly contributes to the society in which I live. Currently, I am an active member of the administrative team, where team work stands out as a key segment of our productivity.

Mahira emphasizes that through the concept of volunteering in the Hastor Foundation, she developed a desire to help the community and the environment in which she lives and works, also developing empathy as one of the most important human traits:

The most important thing the Hastor Foundation has taught me through volunteering are responsibility, precision, and humanity, which represent the essence of human existence – spreading good and being ready to selfl essly help – because only a truly humane person is ready to lend a hand when another human being needs it.

In conclusion, Mahira has a very important message for our scholarship recipients and young people in general:

My message to young people, above all, is to follow their dreams and never give up on them because only in this way are we open to new opportunities, challenges, and continuous development. Youth is the time to explore various possibilities and fi nd our path. Let us fi nd what drives us and passionately dedicate ourselves to it.