The active youth section is a space that we fill with stories about the most successful scholarship recipients of the Hastor Foundation, about those who selfl essly give themselves for others and contribute to their community with the hope that this world will become a better place to live. With their involvement, they constantly remind us and themselves how much the support of the Hastor Foundation means to them and how proud they are of having the opportunity for their altruism to reach the wider public. One of them is our Adelisa Begić, a scholarship recipient who carries that title with dignity and proudly mentions how much the Hastor Foundation brightens every moment of her life.

Adelisa comes from Jajce, where she spent her childhood and completed her primary and secondary education. She is currently in her fi nal year at the Faculty of Health Studies in Sarajevo – majoring in Radiological Technology. Her engagement at the Hastor Foundation lasted for eight years. Although age is often just a number, being a member of the Hastor Foundation for eight years means having the full right to truly feel like a member of this family. Those eight years, as she says, brought many good things to Adelisa, and made her an empathetic, responsible, limited and completely dedicated person. Within the framework of the Hastor Foundation, Adelisa volunteered in various ways and thus gained experience and acquaintances. For two years, she was a mentor to high school students from Jajce, and she occasionally wrote articles for the newsletter. Although she chose to study in the fi eld of medicine, she has felt her love for the written word since her high school days, so she published her fi rst romance novel in the second year of high school, entitled ‘’Your beauty changes the world’’, and in her second year of college she published her second book, ‘’When youth creates’’, which is a hybrid of poetry, prose and drama.

As the Hastor Foundation appreciates the talents of its scholarship holders and gives them the opportunity to develop them as much as possible, Adelisa got the chance to continue developing her experience and love for the literary and artistic style by writing a newsletter. She was an active member of the editorial team for a year, and since November 2023, thanks to her skills, she volunteers as the editor of our newsletter. In addition to the opportunity to improve what she loves most, volunteering on the editorial team helped her meet new people who are ready to help at any time. That Is how she made lifelong friends at the Foundation – some of her mentors became her best friends.

I can freely say that the picture of the Hastor Foundation from the perspective of the newsletter editor and editorial team leader is completely diff erent compared to the one I had as a mentor. I feel that in this way I am even closer to the Hastor Foundation because every day I have the opportunity to write and edit the positive stories that are born in it. The concept of volunteering at the Hastor Foundation largely represents my personality, and humanity, responsibility and organization are qualities that I have further developed through volunteering over the years.

The Hastor Foundation awarded her work, eff ort, activity, diligence and promptness in volunteer engagement with a special certifi cate of appreciation for one of the 20 most active scholarship holders of the Foundation. In addition to the Hastor Foundation, Adelisa is also successful in other organizations, so while she was still attending the High School of Medicine, she occasionally wrote articles for COD Jajce, more precisely, their portal ”Jajce Press“. Volunteering taught her to constantly spread empathy and altruism, so in 2023 she volunteered with children without parental care in the Bjelava Children’s Home, which refl ects all those positive qualities that the Hastor Foundation insists on – being a good person outside the Foundation.

In addition to the Hastor Foundation, Adelisa’s support in everything is her parents and sister, without whose support she would not have achieved all these successes today.

In the end, he points out that the most important thing is to spend life, especially youth, in what fulfi lls us:

The point of life is to live, not to suff ocate! Time passes quickly and that is why it is important that in these most beautiful years of life we do things that we love, that fulfi ll us, create peace in our lives and souls, and help us to build the best version of ourselves with each new experience. Mistakes are there to learn from, not to hold us back from new successes.