The alumni of the Hastor Foundation are the fi nest representation of its noble work over the years. Generations of young and educated individuals, who were recipients of the Hastor Foundation scholarships, continue to show loyalty even years later, exemplifying the genuine friendships we aim to make with our scholarship recipient. This month’s featured alumna, Alma Drina, is a testament to the noble and enduring relationships the Hastor Foundation maintains with its scholarship recipient even after they complete their formal education.

Alma is from Bugojno, where she fi nished both elementary and high school, before continuing her academic journey in Sarajevo. She chose to deepen her expertise in applied mathematics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Sarajevo, where she obtained a Bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics.

Alma discovered the announcement for the Hastor Foundation’s scholarship competition on her faculty’s notice board. Since social media was not as widespread at that time, this was the primary way such information was shared. Alma did not have high hopes but met all the criteria to apply for the scholarship. She mentions that the Foundation’s invitation was a signifi cant turning point in her life.

The volunteering aspect greatly motivated Alma to seek her own success and begin a new chapter in her life. She sees volunteering as an act of humanity and a direct way to develop the habit of helping others. Alma volunteered as a mentor to students and also within the Hastor Foundation’s offices.

She had the special honor of responding to students’ letters, and she embraced this task with great empathy and understanding:

My task was to respond to the scholars’ letters, and these wonderful correspondences gave us additional motivation to write even better replies. The children who sent us letters sought advice from adults (in their eyes, that was us), and it was very important to me to dedicate myself to each letter. Additionally, through the Foundation, I met many wonderful people who are achieving remarkable success today. We all had a strong motivation to progress, and I believe we succeeded in that.

Given her initial involvement with the Foundation during her student years, she assumed a mentorship role. This commitment not only elevated her sense of responsibility but also affi rmed the timeless saying: to be prepared is half the victory.

Alma’s dream job, as she puts it, is a position as a FileMaker Developer. Although she spent eight years in administrative work, she was afraid of change, but, as she herself says, you need to fi rmly believe in your dreams because we are the most important factor shaping our future. In fi ve years, our alumna sees a more successful version of herself in both private and professional aspects, with a desire to gather as much knowledge and experience as possible because, as she emphasizes, life itself is one big opportunity for learning.

The Hastor Foundation holds great signifi cance for her, and with its support, she has achieved notable success. The scholarship she received, along with her volunteer experience, eased her educational journey and also led to her first job. The connection to the Hastor Foundation represents friendship, support, and a reliable anchor, and she will always cherish it as her second family.

In conclusion, here is Alma’s message to young scholarship recipient:

Your selection to be part of this community is purposeful. Please, make the most of this opportunity, invest in yourselves and your knowledge, and always strive to give your utmost. Ultimately, everything will fall into place as it should. Explore and uncover your strengths and passions, as they pave half the path to success. Understand that life encompasses both highs and lows, yet steadfast perseverance is key. Never lose sight of your dreams and bravely pursue them.