On Saturday, September 21 of this year, the second regular meeting of The Hastor Foundation Alumni Club Assembly took place. We once again brought together our former scholarship recipients and friends in the welcoming atmosphere of the ASA Institute in Sarajevo. From its inception, the Alumni Club of The Hastor Foundation has been a place where different generations of talented and forward-thinking individuals, former scholarship recipients who have gained most beautiful life experiences and forged lasting friendships through The Hastor Foundation, come together.  Each meeting is, therefore, filled with joy and lasting  memories.

The meeting  was opened by Marizela Hadžić, President of The Hastor Foundation Alumni Club Assembly. Together with Emina Sijahović, her deputy, and Alem Merdić, the secretary, they presented upcoming activities and the plan for their implementation. The assembly also adopted the work report for the previous year, as well as the program for the coming year.

Although it has only been a year since the establishment of The Hastor Foundation Alumni Club Assembly I am exceptionally excited about what lies ahead. After adopting the minutes from the previous assembly and the Annual Work Report of the Alumni Club, we presented the plan for our activities in the coming year. All of these initiatives will be led by the members of the assembly, and I firmly believe that many wonderful stories, of which we will be proud, await us in the future, said Marizela Hadžić, President of the Assembly.

This occasion allowed us to reflect on the moments we’ve shared and the successes we’ve achieved, while also exchanging experiences and fresh ideas for the initiatives that lie ahead. The assembly was highly productive, with all members actively participating and contributing valuable suggestions on how the Alumni Club can maximize its activities. Every member of the Alumni Club is well aware of the inspiring and motivational environment that has always been present, something both former and current scholarship recipients of The Hastor Foundation have never lacked.

It was a great honor and pleasure to participate in yet another regular session of The Hastor Foundation Alumni Club Assembly. Emotions can truly overwhelm a person in moments like thes. There are countless positive memories of our past gatherings, volunteering, challenges, responsibilities, and enduring friendships. These kinds of friendships always leave a lasting sense of beauty and anticipation for future events, along with the joy of truly belonging to a large family that helps so many young people become successful members of their communities, just as we have, says Dino Habib, a member of the Assembly of the Alumni Club.

We are especially looking forward to every future session of the Alumni Club, where, as always, we will continue to promote our mission in a positive and uplifting atmosphere, while preserving the friendships that have developed over the years.