Our fellow scholarship holders use every opportunity to positively represent themselves and the Hastor Foundation. By participating in various competitions, they create a safe path to success while growing up.

Ten-year-old Imran Šehović is a fourth grade student at the Elementary School “Šejh Muhamed ef. Hadžijamaković”. At the age of six, he started training judo and over a period of four years, he had the opportunity to be a participant in many competitions. We can proudly say that he brought either a gold or silver medal from each of the competitions. He participated in competitions from Vogošća, Ilidža, through Tuzla, all the way to Dubrovnik.

The first competition that Imran went to outside the borders of his homeland was the competition in Dubrovnik. At that time, he felt especially excited to show the knowledge he gained in training in front of other children. As he was transferred to a category he did not expect after weighing, he felt a slight fear. However, with the support of his mother, whom Imran often mentions, he managed to fight and bring home a gold medal.

The Hastor Foundation was of great help to me at the before-mentioned, but also at other competitions. I am very happy to have the opportunity to be part of the Hastor Foundation family whose true value I will probably realize when I grow up. The Foundation is already a great support to me.

Taking the right steps during childhood is often crucial to achieving small goals while growing up, and it is difficult to achieve big goals if the little ones are not close enough to us.

Prepared by: Nedžma Latić

Translated by: Nejra Galijašević