On Saturday, 16.09.2023. In 2008, the Founding Assembly of the Hastor Foundation Alumni Club was held, where numerous generations of extremely successful young people gathered in one place.

For the Hastor Foundation, this year has been extremely productive, colored by new ideas, projects and new beginnings, among which was the ceremonial establishment of the Hastor Foundation Alumni Club.

The gathering was held symbolically on the date on which the first scholarship agreement was signed 17 years ago with the first scholarship recipient of the Hastor Foundation. With the first contract, the foundation stone of the fortress of goodness, humanity, support and love was laid, and each of the scholarship holders selflessly left their threads in that fortress throughout all these years to make it what it is today. The previous successful work behind the name of the Hastor Foundation is especially confirmed by the impressive numbers of thousands of young people, former and current scholarship holders, whose education has been facilitated by the Foundation, providing everyone with equal opportunities for progress and personality development in order to initiate positive changes in our society and our only Bosnia. and Herzegovina. At the Founding Assembly, the first leadership of the Hastor Foundation Alumni Club was elected, with the following composition: Marizela Hadžić (President of the Assembly), Emina Sijahović (Vice President) and Alem Merdić (Secretary), who represent a bright example of Hastor Foundation alumni who use their resources and made available after the end of the scholarship, in order to improve the work of the Foundation for all the young generations who are now, and also for those who will become its scholarship holders.

The gathering sent a message of unity, unity and deep connection to all former scholars, and on the occasion of the establishment of the Alumni Club, the founders of the Hastor Foundation sent their congratulations to the management and members and told them:

The light of kindness never goes out if we share our flame with others. Like a single spark that spreads through dark moments, our nobility can bring warmth and hope to those who lack it. Through our acts of kindness and compassion, we can light the way for others and show them that the world is full of beauty, solidarity and opportunity. Every little inspiration we give to others can start a chain of positive change that willcontinue over time. So, let our light not go out, but let it be a guiding light that moves others to join in creating a world filled with kindness and understanding. Together, we will leave a legacy that radiates beauty and hope for future generations.