Do you know that inspiring and successful stories from the Hastor Foundation know no borders? We will prove it to you in the new season of the Hastor Foundation Podcast, in which we will continue to present our former and current scholars whose knowledge, talents, numerous skills and positive energy are conquering the whole world and bringing success to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Alem Merdić, an alumni of the Hastor Foundation, is proof that education truly wins and that true values always find their way. Our Doctor of Economic Sciences, through a guest appearance on the Podcast, among other things, spoke about the education system and the necessary changes that will strengthen the future leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
I reserve the answer that we lack practices in education, because you see, you cannot say ‘we lack practices’ without knowing which practices, in which areas.“ There are disciplines in which it is important and in which it is not important. I think that here it is a broader social problem, which on the one hand must include the labor market, on the other hand it must include educational institutions and authorities as moderators in the whole process that will frame the legal framework.
Recalling the beginnings and early years of university education, Alem points out that he always saw his professors as his greatest role models, even when they did not react in accordance with his wishes. But today, when he is behind the chair, he notices how challenging it is to work with young people.
It is very difficult to work with young people today. We live in a time when we are served instant success, we are served some prosperity. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to achieve this and then, in a way, they ask right after high school to start creating money, income, so that they can afford what is acceptable on social networks.
However, no matter how many obstacles appear in front of him, our guest successfully overcomes them and deserves the epithet „inspiration“. Today, he is known as an inspiration and role model for his students, and he did the same through his involvement in the Hastor Foundation, where he left an indelible mark.
The entire conversation is available at the link below.
Da li znate da inspirativne i uspješne priče iz Fondacije Hastor ne poznaju granice? Dokazat ćemo vam to i u novoj sezoni Podcasta Fondacije Hastor u kojoj ćemo nastaviti s predstavljanjem naših bivših i trenutnih stipendista čija znanja, talenti, mnogobrojne vještine i pozitivna energija osvajaju cijeli svijet i donose uspjeh u Bosnu i Hercegovinu.
Alem Merdić, alumnista Fondacije Hastor, dokaz je da obrazovanje uistinu pobjeđuje i da prave vrijednosti uvijek pronađu svoj put. Naš doktor ekonomskih nauka, kroz gostovanje u Podcastu, između ostalog, govorio je o obrazovnom sistemu i nužnim promjenama koje će ojačati buduće lidere Bosne i Hercegovine.
„S rezervom uzimam odgovor da nam fali prakse u obrazovanju, jer vidite, ne možete reći ‘fali nam prakse’, bez da znamo koje prakse, u kojim oblastima. Postoje discipline u kojima je ona važna i u kojima nije važna. Ja mislim da je ovdje to jedan širi društveni problem, koji s jedne strane mora da uključi tržište rada, s druge strane mora da uključi obrazovne institucije i nosioce vlasti kao moderatore u cijelom tom procesu koji će uokviriti zakonski okvir.“
Prisjećajući se početaka i ranih godina fakultetskog obrazovanja, Alem ističe da je uvijek svoje profesore vidio kao svoje najveće uzore, čak i onda kada nisu reagovali u skladu s njegovim željama. No, danas, kada je on iza katedre, uočava koliko je izazovno raditi s mladim ljudima.
„Jako je teško raditi s mladim ljudima danas. Živimo u vremenu kada nam se servira instant uspjeh, servira se neko blagostanje. Naravno, nisu svi u prilici da to ostvare i onda, na neki način, traže odmah poslije srednje škole da krenu da kreiraju novac, dohodak, da bi mogli da sebi priušte ono što je prihvatljivo na društvenim mrežama.“
Ipak, koliko god prepreka da se pojavi pred njim, naš gost ih uspješno prevazilazi i zasluženo nosi epitet „inspiracija“. On je danas poznat kao inspiracija i uzor svojim studentima, a isto je činio i kroz angažman u Fondaciji Hastor gdje je ostavio neizbrisiv trag.
Cijeli razgovor je dostupan na linku ispod.