The path from an ambitious volunteer to a successful young lady, an entrepreneur, is challenging and dynamic, but the success that comes after all the obstacles has a special charm.

Our alumni, Azra Zahirović, who today holds one of the leading positions in her company and at the same time cherishes the values ​​instilled by the Hastor Foundation and follows activism as a way of life, is a testimony to this.

Azra graduated from the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo, and then received a master’s degree in management and organization from the Faculty of Economics. We also talked about connecting these two study programs and the opportunities that opened up for her.

Azra’s education follows everything she does. Her interests are different, but they also overlap and lead this successful girl on the paths of constant progress. As someone who trained outside the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Azra especially emphasizes using the opportunity to do something like this:

The fact is that we have the opportunity to leave the country. You need to leave your mark. I’m always up for it. Leave, travel, see how things are done in other countries and come back, bring new value. We are a small country, we don’t have a lot of things, and it’s great to come back with that unique, completely new experience and become a pioneer in something.

How important it is to have a role model and who are our role models, is a question that can be best answered by successful people. In most cases, we take people who have reached the peak of their career as role models, but Azra tells us otherwise. Her role models and inspiration are young people:

Today, I am motivated by the young people I see at my trainings. I learn from them. We have reached the point where I learn from the people who come to my seminars. They give me hope. Young people are not our future. Young people are our present.

The entire conversation is available at: