The achievements of former scholarship holders of the Hastor Foundation are a source of inspiration and joy for further work, as they testify to the power of talent, dedication and the ability to achieve dreams.
We ended the first season of the Hastor Foundation Podcast with such a shining example that speaks of the impressive harmony of support and success.
Emina Sijahović works as an assistant professor at the University of Sarajevo’s Faculty of Agriculture and Food, and she recently received the title of Doctor of Science. She grew up in Maglaj, came to Sarajevo to realize her dreams, became a scholarship recipient of the Hastor Foundation, and today, with her wishes fulfilled, she proudly and gratefully speaks of the Hastor Foundation.
At the Foundation, Emina proved herself to be extremely hardworking, hardworking and responsible, and one such activity of hers changed the life of a boy from Goražde:
We used to write letters to elementary and high school students. A boy from Goražde wrote to me that he didn’t know what to enroll in after elementary school. I told him my story and we corresponded through letters. When he entered college, he entered mine, we became colleagues and are friends today.
Being a scholarship recipient of the Hastor Foundation was a great motivation and support for Emina. She proudly points out her gratitude to the Hastor Foundation and everything that was made possible for her through the scholarship. Often, it was the little things that gave Emina the wind at her back:
Our life stories were difficult. Someone did not believe that we would succeed, coming from small communities. Through those letters, I saw that I am not the only one who is having a hard time. Today, I enjoy watching how these people build their careers and families.
Our Doctor of Science has a love for gardening. As he explains, every garden is original:
In this business, we cannot copy anything. We can take various inspirations, but in the end we give the garden our stamp. It is basically a multidisciplinary approach. Therefore, it is a dynamic business. My first garden was not as ideal as some of the last ones I designed.
We are sure that Emina’s positive energy will brighten your day, so click on the link to enjoy the whole episode: