Project Description

TAKT Academy

TAKT Academy is a unique project, which has for the past several years been realized by the Hastor Foundation, in cooperation with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Embassy of Switzerland in BH. TAKT Academy provides its trainees the knowledge and skills needed to work in the fashion, textile, furniture and automotive industries. The program offers a systematic approach to adjusting the educational system to the labor market needs and includes production programs and business process management. The target group includes the graduates of secondary vocational/technical/mixed schools and graduates of technical and social sciences faculties. Due to the lack of adequate resources in the labor market, the ASA Prevent Group initiated an internal training for young graduates and postgraduates in 2015, which was at the time a pioneer step for a company. Over time, the project gained other partners, so nowadays we have a recognizable program – the TAKT Academy, which provides young people with an opportunity for their first employment. The trainees of the TAKT Academy first receive theoretical, and then practical training.