Project Description

Marking Earth Day

Marking of Earth Day was one more project in the wide range of the Hastor Foundation’s projects. In April 2017, with the aim of marking Earth Day, the Hastor Foundation and its scholarship holders organized several events, the first of which was the April monthly meeting of college student scholarship holders of the Hastor Foundation, the purpose of which was to raise awareness about the global threats of environmental problems. This lecture was only an introduction for further events organized soon afterwards. In the spirit of marking Earth day, the Hastor Foundation scholarship holders organized cleaning of the river beds of the Miljacka and the Drina River. On Earth Day over 60 volunteers of the Hastor Foundation worked together to clean the Ambassadors Alley near the Miljacka River in Sarajevo and one area of the Drina River bed near the “Plavi Cvijet” park in Goražde. This project is a unique one, and its significance was recognized by BH Postal Service in 2016, as well as the State Lottery of BH, and the Hastor Foundation is planning similar projects for the years to come.